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Location Lineup Facility Qty Maximum Width Available(mm) CAPA/M(m) Remarks
South Korea Releasing Paper Coater 6 1,520 ~ 1,560 15,600,600
Slitter 3 1,400 ~ 1,600
Releasing Film Coater 3 1560 3,610,000
Slitter 3 1,560
PE Laminating Coater 2 1,560 9,000,000 ~ 10,000,000
Tandem 1 1,560
Slitter 1 1,560
ViNa Releasing Film Coater 1 1,580 1,750,000
Slitter 5 1,500
TOTAL Coater 10 - 20,960,000
Slitter 11 -